Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome all

If you're stopping in after reading the story in the Tribune's food section today, welcome. This blog is about us, or more specifically, what we eat here in Missouri. Where it comes from, who grows it, who cooks it. We have options when we eat a meal - something most of us do at least three times a day - and this is about finding the best of what's out there and telling others where to go. Sometimes we're discussing obscure Italian hog-roasts, other times I'm yammering on again about the #17 at Chinese Wok Express. It's a mixed bag, all-over-the-map and (hopefully) at least slightly entertaining and helpful.

So comment away. Or email. Tell us where to eat and from whom to buy the good stuff. Given the history of heart disease in the men of my family, I've probably got about 50,000 meals left. There's not a moment to lose.


ps: if you're not familiar with Columbia's other food resources online, I suggest you check out the Tribune's food forum, CoMo Whine and Dine and the other links along the left side of this page.

Photo by Nick King of the Columbia Daily Tribune.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby pig w/ herbs. Yummmmmm! Nice blog.