Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Maybe it was the frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the grocery store. Or it could have been the Missourian review that compared Addison's (unfavorably) with Ruby Tuesday. Or maybe it was the fact that more than thirty restaurants in Columbia closed last year while Starbucks and Wal-Marts continue to pop up like dandelions. Whatever it was, it is clear that Columbia can do better. We can eat better, drink better and buy better. We don't have to send our money to Iowa for beef, California for vegetables or Argentina for out of season fruit. We can keep our money right here in central Missouri...and have a damned fine time in doing it. That's what this blog will be dedicated to: enjoying life, locally. How does one do that? Frankly, I'm still learning myself. But I've got a few ideas.

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